Join the Jamón Ibérico Ambassador School!

Lovers of Jamón Ibérico, the series you have always been waiting for is finally here! A series starring Jamónes Ibéricos that will leave you speechless. Its ending will also leave you with the best taste in your mouth: the unmistakable flavour of Jamón Ibérico.

Through 12 episodes, 3 expert slicers will reveal all the secrets of Jamón Ibérico, from how to choose it at the point of sale, to how to preserve it, including the best tips for slicing it, getting the most out of it, and serving it like a professional.

The series will have you hooked from the first second, and will awaken your Ibérico Sense even more, so that you can enjoy Jamón Ibérico at another level, to the point of becoming an ambassador of Jamones Ibéricos.

Don’t miss the series that is on everyone’s lips!


the menu special

It’s the end of the best culinary series of the season, with an episode that will leave you gasping, but also with all the information you need to know about how a Jamón Ibérico should appear on a restaurant menu.. An absolutely gripping finale!  

#JamónIbérico #PaletaIbérica #Categories #Colours #Labels #Breed #Food #Tasting #Restaurants


lights, camera, Jamón!

The second to last episode of your favourite series is here, and it promises to reveal the great secret of the plot: how to get the most out of your Jamón Ibérico: from selecting it, to preserving it and slicing it. Don’t miss it!

#JamónIbérico #Slice #ArtOfSlicing #Preservation #Tips #Aging #Curing #MakingTheMost #Technique #ThePerfectSlice #Flavour #Curing #Smell #Texture


Please note that “curacion” is listed twice in the source.


The beginning of a very, very juicy story

Surely you have often wondered where to start your Jamón Ibérico. In this episode we’ll reveal where to start so that this story leaves you with the best aftertaste. Don’t miss it!

#JamónIbérico #Slice #Aging #Curing #Maza #Babilla #ArtOfSlicing #Tips #Slicing


My name is Ibérico

Go ahead, check out the spoiler and avoid unpleasant surprises when you buy your Jamón Ibérico. In this episode you will discover what to look for when choosing your Jamón Ibérico to know exactly what product you are buying. A must-see episode to enjoy this series in an authentic way!

#Label #Band #Breed #Food #Colours #Categories #JamónIbérico #PaletaIbérico


How to slice in a straight line

Avoid unexpected script twists and turns when slicing your Jamón Ibérico! In this episode you will discover how to follow the slicing process to slice your Jamón Ibérico correctly and avoid the famous curve. Click play to find out!

#JamónIbérico #Slice #ArtOfSlicing #Tips #Technique #Slicing


Tips for preserving an unsliced Jamón Ibérico

I’m sure you can relate to this episode: you have been given a Jamón Ibérico as a gift, or you have bought it, and you know you’re not going to eat it straight away, right? In this episode you will discover the best tips for preserving it when it hasn’t been sliced yet, so that it retains all its qualities. Click play to find out!

#JamónIbérico #preservation #tips


5-star preservation

Preserving Jamón Ibérico correctly is essential in order to retain its best qualities. In this chapter, you will learn the best tips to do it like a real pro. An essential plot to make this gripping story leave you with an amazing aftertaste!

#JamónIbérico #slice #TheArtOfSlicing #preservation #tips


An Oscar serving

Serving Jamón Ibérico on a plate is like painting a canvas. In this episode, you will discover how to cut and plate our protagonist with all the art of a master slicer. Lights, camera, action!

#JamónIbérico #emplatado #corte #ArteDelCorte #loncheado #Tips


the perfect slice

Slicing a Jamón Ibérico is a real art, very similar to sculpture, , and in this episode, we reveal all the secrets for you to become a real sculptor. Don’t be shy and press play!

#JamónIbérico #Corte #ArteDelCorte #Tips #loncheado #sabor #aroma #textura #degustación


An exciting history

The most ‘appitising’ episode for fans of Jamón Ibérico and technology.
Discover how the most revolutionary application in the Ibérico sector works to identify the type of cut of Jamón Ibérico, the breed and the feeding habits of our protagonist in a single click.

#AppIbérico #SistemaÍTACA #trazabilidad #precintos #colores #categorías #calidad #raza #alimentación #manejo #cría #origen


The Ibérico colour

This episode narrates one of the most juicy plots of Jamones Ibéricos: the plot involving the standard labels used to identify each category. Don’t miss out on what’s behind each colour.

#trazabilidad #dop #precintos #vitola #colores #categorías #calidad #raza #alimentación #manejo #cría


The quest for Jamón Ibérico

The challenge of correctly identifying a Jamón Ibérico at points of sale is finally over. In this episode, we’ll give you tips so that you can know whether you’re looking at an original Jamón Ibérico, and the secrets to finding out “how it was made”.

#trazabilidad #dop #precintos #vitola #colores #categorías #calidad #raza #alimentación #manejo #cría

“Una serie con los cuchillos demasiados afilados”

– Ibericogramas

“The series that’s on everyone’s lips”

– Jamonmanía

“A very, very juicy ending”

– La Jamón

“A plot that doesn’t disappoint”

– Hamaffinity





Our Ambassadors


Raquel Acosta

Pioneer in the art of slicing Jamón Ibérico. Winner of several national awards.


Roberto González

Master Jamón Ibérico slicer, winner of several national awards and teacher of masterclasses on the art of slicing.


Pedro José Pérez Casco

Professional of the Ibérico sector with more than 20 years of experience and master slicer of Jamón Ibérico.