The Iberian sector has adhered to the European Green Deal and its commitments (climate neutral impact in 2050) as part of this necessary transition towards a more sustainable food system, and is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN. In this sense, the sector is committed to the efficient use of resources within a clean and circular economy, reducing the impact that its productive activity has on the environment and offsetting its ecological footprint.
Ibérico is fully committed to the environment, but also to the social and economic development of rural areas. This is why for years it has been carrying out a series of initiatives that reflect its firm environmental commitment and reinforce its fundamental role as a social and economic agent in the rural world.
- The dehesa as a source of CO2 absorption.
- It is focused on natural feed and local crops (grains)
- Reduction of greenhouse gases.
- Offsetting the ecological footprint through reforestation.
- Carbon footprint minimisation plans (replacing obsolete equipment with more efficient ones, reducing electricity consumption, regulating cleaning water temperatures, etc.).

- Sustainable water management.
- Optimisation of water consumption. Reduction of water use by 30% in recent years.
- Mandatory construction of fenced and waterproofed ponds to avoid the risk of seepage and contamination of surface and groundwater.

- Commitment to energy from renewable sources.
- Reduction of energy consumption.
- Waste management plans for used packaging waste.
- Reduce single-use plastics. More environmentally-friendly packaging.

- Economic engine of rural Spain, generating life in the most disadvantaged environments.
- It integrates rural areas. The Ibérico sector as an antidote to the European Demographic Challenge.
- It generates wealth and employment, ensures the future of the villages, and contributes to the settlement of inhabitants in an environment at risk of depopulation.
- Commitment to equal opportunities to achieve 50% female employment.
- It promotes employment in related sectors, generates significant research and development activities, contributing to the scientific and technical progress of our country.
- Companies’ commitment to local or nearby suppliers (auxiliary industry, animal feed, professional services, etc.).

- Reinforcing the Circular Economy throughout the chain under the premise of Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.
- Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Fair economic returns in the food chain.