Iberian ham plays a big part in the biodiversity and sustainability in rural areas.  Actually, it contributes to the pasture maintenance, a unique ecosystem.

It was created by people over generations and it’s a perfect example of the balance between respect for the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources, a combination that has created a unique ecosystem.

Around 3.5 million hectares around the Iberian Peninsula where Iberian pigs graze, but it also keeps other farming productions up, such as the production of honey and cork.

The pasture has converted become an example of green and circular economy. It helps depopulated areas by generating livelihoods, as well as adding biodiversity and reducing C02 emissions. Animal rearing helps ground regeneration and supplies food to future vegetables, while it also contributes to global warming mitigation by reducing fire risks (there is around 25M hectares in Spain for shepherding). And if that were not enough, it is the origin of high quality products. Is there something more sustainable?

Pasture are the oldest sustainable ecosystem.